National Sheep Summary
San Angelo, TX Thur Mar 27, 2025 USDA LPGMN
National Sheep Summary for Thursday, March 27, 2025
Compared to last week at Ft. Collins. CO and Kalona, IA slaughter lambs
steady to higher; slaughter ewes steady. Equity Cooperative Auction sold
230 slaughter lambs in Idaho and 700 feeder lambs in California.
Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 2-3:
Ft. Collins: wooled and shorn 110-145 lbs 180.00-242.50; 155-180 lbs
Kalona: wooled and shorn 120-140 lbs 180.50-250.00.
Equity Coop: wooled 150 lbs 169.50.
Slaughter Lambs: Choice and Prime 1-2:
Ft. Collins: wooled and shorn 50-90 lbs 315.00-320.00; 66 lbs 335.00;
70-80 lbs 310.00-315.00; 88 lbs 270.00; 93 lbs 310.00.
hair 50-60 lbs 317.50-335.00; 60-70 lbs 307.50-317.50;
70-90 lbs 300.00-312.50.
Kalona: wooled and shorn 40-50 lbs 310.00-355.00; 50-60 lbs
315.00-355.00; 60-70 lbs 312.50-350.00; 70-80 lbs 295.00-
350.00; 80-90 lbs 305.00-335.00; 90-100 lbs 295.00-335.00.
hair 40-50 lbs 300.00-360.00; 50-60 lbs 305.00-355.00;
60-70 lbs 310.00-325.00; 70-80 lbs 295.00-320.00; 80-90
lbs 275.00-295.00; 90-100 lbs 290.00-310.00.
Slaughter Ewes:
Ft. Collins: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) 85.00-125.00; Good 2-3 (fleshy)
Kalona: Good 3-4 (very fleshy) no test; Good 2-3 (fleshy)
82.50-135.00, hair 80.00-122.50; Utility and Good 1-3
(medium flesh) 70.00-105.00, hair 75.50-95.00; Utility
1-2 (thin) 72.50-80.00, hair 70.00.
Feeder Lambs: Medium and Large 1-2:
Ft. Collins: 36 lbs 255.00; 40-50 lbs 285.00-310.00.
Kalona: no test.
Equity Coop: shorn old crop 137 lbs 182.00.
Replacement Ewes: Medium and Large 1-2:
Ft. Collins: no test.
Kalona: no test.
Sheep and lamb slaughter under federal inspection for the week to date
totaled 35,000 compared to 34,000 last week and 33,000 last year.
Source: USDA LPG, San Angelo, TX
Rebecca Sauder 325-450-4265