No Bull | The Five Spot

Corn kernels - via CC0 Public Domain

1 | Change

Over the past 100 years, U.S. #corn production has increased more than 700% while planted area has decreased 10%. Incredible!

Perhaps the Department of Energy, Argonne, CARB, and the Department of the Treasury should take note as U.S. corn ethanol gets a 20-point ding for 'land use change'.. 

The only change I see is a 700% increase in production…

2 | Nope.

3 | Perspective

Unconventional but impactful.


4 |  Fun facts…

Corn stocks-to-use among the four major world exporters sits at 9.4% for 2024/25. Strip out U.S. stocks and that number drops to 3% - the lowest stocks-to-use in Brazil + Argy + Ukraine combined since the 1980s.

5 | Meanwhile

Looks like 2025 is currently screaming, “I don't want your soybeans!”

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